Hair Regrowth Solution (GFC) Treatment Procedure
15 – 16 ml of blood is drawn from the client
The blood is gently mixed by inverting the tube 6-10 times and then allowing them to stand for approximately 30 minutes.
The collected blood is then placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins the blood at a high evaluated speed and separates the blood to its different layer – one layer contains the Plasma, and the other layer contains the separated plasma. The plasma contains tiny blood called platelets which are crucial for hair growth, improve thickness and stop hair fall.
The rich-platelets are then carefully extracted and injected back into the scalp.
GFC helps in controlling hair loss, improves scalp condition, increases hair thickness , and regrowth can be achieved if dormant hair follicles are present. GFC showed significant improvement in GAIS. However, improvement was highly significant in GFC compared to other procedures. This showed that the treatments modalities are good in its way, but GFC was superior in clinical outcome compared to other procedures.
Who does it work for?
Anyone experiencing hair loss is essentially a good candidate for GFC treatments, but those with early hair loss tend to respond best. GFC is best used for patients with androgenic alopecia, which is a genetically determined type of hair thinning that typically occurs along the top of the head.” In women, this might look like a widening part with normal hair thickness at the back of the head. GFC is also effective in treating other conditions like Telogen effluvium, diffuse thinning and also helpful in improving poor donor quality.
FAQs On Hair Loss
Does hair GFC regrow hair?
GFC cannot regrow hair from nothing, there has to be at least a dormant hair follicle. If a patient's alopecia is extensive, the area needs to be “seeded” with transplanted hair follicles.
Who is not candidate for hair loss treatment (GFC)?
Pregnant or breastfeeding should not undergo this treatment.
Can I wash my hair after GFC?
NO 24 hours after the treatment is undertaken is the risk of impacting your GFC treatment. It is also advised not to do any physical activity on the day of GFC treatment
Dandruff Causes hair loss?
Dandruff causes itchiness and the constant scratching of scalp injuries the follicles causing hair loss